
Roblox + Clubhouse = Infinite Fun

Virtual Economy


We’re creating a Social Gaming Network.

Curating a Consistent Tally Metric for all Multiplayer Games and Events.

Tokenising Payments, Victories and Bounties.

Launching Tournament Wagers, ‘Twitch on Drugs’, Multi-linked Challenges and more !

Seamless Transitions

‘Among Us’ had 100Mn Daily Active Users before it eclipsed. Does ‘Mini Militia’ scratch your head; well that adumbrates a similar fate.

Games that thrive on ‘People Playing it Together’ fizzle faster than they boom. And this adage is rather true for all social games.

You’ve gotta keep people engaged !

Immersive play might tend a solution, but that rids meaning and spontaneity from the social experience. You don’t particularly play Fortnite for the reasons you play Psych or Skribbl.

The next best alternative (arguably better) is Infinite Iteration - Adding on something new !

Hunter is a Platform that links Multiplayer Games though Seamless Intergame Transitions.

Launch a Room with your friends : start on with Psych! hop on to 8 Ball Pool with a round of UNO and Multiplayer Chess, and finally snitch the imposter on Among Us - all on one platform !

We’re the first to create 'Intergame Links' and a General Hyper-Parameterisation + Simulation model to asses and value Tally Metrics across the Token Economy for any activity published (Game or Event).

Here’s what that enables :

Tournaments, Challenges and Wagers - Since we’re able to track tallies and assets from one game to another with a singular unit of account, a lot of crazy things pile up.

1 - Bounties - Win Tournaments and unlock Bounties. (Tokens - Real Money + NFTs + Avatars)

2 - Challenges - Picture a your team/room called onto by another (3v3) for set wager of 100 Tokens. Everyone picks a game. You start with Among Us, move on to Scrabble, jump to Dumbsherads and conclude with Math speed Quiz and win Bounties with real monetary value.

3 - Game links - Imagine a developer launching 3 games that function differently in 'tournament style'. You play Mini Militia and then Chess, but the victor from Mini Militia gets to set bombs on certain chess squares. You follow on with Trivia Quizzes, wherein the victor benefits from the additional ‘Clue’.

We’d further ferment a super creative dynamic - People playing games they’d otherwise not. We don’t quite often hop on zoom to play 2 Lies and 1 Truth, but you’d be prescient to those Lies coming out of Hunter.

A lot of games that wouldn’t succeed by themselves would blow up on Hunter.


InterGame Links


There’s So Much More !

And that’s just the Roblox bit. We haven’t even begun to explain the Clubhouse side of things.

Twitch on Drugs.

Hyper Engaged Streaming - Infrastructure built for interactive sessions.

Sandboxes and Toolkits for anyone to create anything !

ClubHouse x Hunter

Hosts and Events


The Roblox Oriented approach was locus on games domineering traction.

Games brought in the crowd.

The Clubhouse bit tends on the ‘Host’ bringing in people.

Hosts can be Creators, Curators, Mediators, Judges and even Streamers and fervently exploit the Token Economy and Custom Games to their advantage.

Zoom Parties

Zoom parties were quite the rage during lockdown. People would create games hinged solely on Audio and Video and figure ways to have fun.

We want to scale that up. Audiences want to be more engaged but are barred by the lack of tools.

Hunter hopes to build custom sandboxes for people to curate immersive sessions with their audiences.

Think of what Kahoot has been able to do with Gamified quizzing - 1.3 Billion Participating Players !

Imagine a standup comedian challenging his audience to roast Will Smith via a 5 word Limit Input Pop Up; after which the audiences vote against the best entries; and as a bonus the roast with the most votes wins a 10 token bounty !

Creators can build on simple features and find nuanced ways to rivet their audiences.

While hosts do benefit a token economy, what really strikes out is the confluence of the host system with the game system (Roblox + Clubhouse.

Game Exponentiation :

Lets say I’ve created Mini Militia (small humans flying around killing each other), and as the game creator I primarily make money from tournament entries wherein each tournament bares a minimum 10 token entry fee for a group of 10 players. (100 token corpus - the winner collects 50, the second place takes in 25 and the host makes 25). I only make money if people play tournaments. But because of the host system, I can send out an open invite to all hosts and propose a 10 token host fee to organise and market the tournament. (Hosts get others to play my game and in turn get a cut). Whats delirious is that hosts can customise the rules of my game, and scale these tournaments without changing the fundamental dynamic. So as the host while you’re the live commentator of your event, you can randomly tag 3 players in the mini militia game and make them a squad (conventionally you fight for yourself). Or bring in custom restrictions or additions (purely verbally communicated) while the game proceeds - so as to make the game interesting.

Imagine organising a chess tournament and posing idiosyncratic changes randomly during a match : you’ve each gotta play 3 moves consecutively or you’ve both gotta play 2 moves for your opponent.

Custom rules are very easy to come about, and hosts can leverage these tweaks to make games more fun (while also making money for themselves).

Given this infrastructure, game creators would find it ridiculously easy to bring their games to a much broader audience.

Twitch on Drugs :

Game streaming is the most viewed category on Youtube. People spend more time watching others play games, than playing the games themselves !

Picture a host streaming a game to his private audience (who’ve paid a patreon like fee in tokens to attend this event). Since the game oriented system sits in well with the host oriented model, the host can allow for his audiences members to enter the game he is playing while continuing to stream at the touch of a button.

Just imagine hopping into a game as the audience member while the stream is live !



Can’t get Enough !

An unearthed dynamic springs about. Simple extensions that should exist, don’t. But hunter makes them possible.

Meme Reviews :

Pew Die Pie and Tanmay Bhat make a living reviewing memes. People find their reactions to memes more risible than the memes themselves.

Imagine Tanmay launching a live stream, where people can simultaneously react to memes with him. And pay tokens for additional memes curated by Tanmay for their own group of friends to react to and record.

People can make money on Hunter by thematically posting meme collections !

Cool Stuff :

Games that would never survive or exist by themselves find a place on Hunter. Hosts can launch challenges, Creators can package a Games in ‘Series’ and both can work composite each other to blitzscale audience interactions.

Our Mission is to make the world happier :)

That too for all ages - Imagine a host, organising an Antakshri Challenge with RD Burman Songs restricted to Amitabh’s movies within 1980s - My Grandparents would go wild.

WE Need Money.

Pre - Seed : $1 Million

We’ll be building the core infrastructure for people to develop games on our platform. The bare bone skeletons required for Game Devs to publish and exploit our system. Functions like cross game tally metrics and weighing the right challenges need to be built in and require new tools.

We will further put out 20-30 games that highlight all possible customisations within a timeframe of 3-5 months.

  • Game Producer/ Studio Lead + 8 Game Devs + 4 Front End UI/UX Devs + AJ + Shivang.

    Minimal Infrastructure Costs - After all we are dedicatedly building low fidelity games.

  • Create a consortium of Indie Studios + Game Devs - 10-15 unique teams and consistently publish games until Product Market Fit.

    They will be paid differently : Netflix Model for Games.

  • Our MVP won’t have an active Token Economy or the Host System.

    Dealing with money, audio and video streaming requires more people and funding.

    The goal is the keep iterating feature by feature.